RGB color channel separation to layers [PHOTOSHOP ACTION]
Introducing RGB Channel Splitter: A Photoshop Action for Creative Color Control
Harness the power of color with RGB Channel Splitter, a versatile Photoshop action that will help you transform your images by separating their RGB color channels into individual layers. This dynamic tool unlocks a world of creative possibilities, empowering you to manipulate and enhance specific color components with precision and ease.
Explore creative techniques by isolating color channels and experimenting by modifying their scale, position, and rotation, or by distorting them a bit you can achieve spectacular Chromatic Aberrations that can help you emulate the look of vintage lenses, old TVs create digital glitches, and much more.
Here is an example of a glitched-out photo where channel separation was used to decrease the sharpness on the edges of the shot and create some chromatic aberration so the viewer's attention will be directed toward the face of my model while the overall look of the photo swings towards what would be an image from the future in a vintage movie.
One of my favorite tricks to create magical film emulation is to create some chroma separation in the grain that I am applying to my images. To do this I separate my channels and then using the Camera Raw Filter I apply my grain pesets. This so far is one of the few methods that takes into consideration both the fact that grain is not supposed to be black and white on a color image and the fact that the amount of the grain particles differs based on the luminance of the image.
Installation: Double-click the .atn file
How to use: open your image run the action and then you can move the layers around or modify them however you like for the desired effect
It might not run as expected if your Photoshop interface is not set to English language.
1 photoshop action